Today, upgrade2 get a major... erm.. upgrade (sorry).
We are delighted to be introducing custom links, that can go on an ANY e-mail to a customer. When a customer has booked on your website, they get to see upgrade and ancillary sales options that are specific to their reservation. This helps you do interesting things with rasor-sharp accurate targeting of messages to consumers. So, for example, people staying over Easter will get the Easter offers; on the other hand, those staying during the summer months will only see the summer promotions (and not the Easter ones.). All in all the system allows You, the Hotelier, to offer room-specific, rate-specific, booking window-specific and stay window-specific products. This is the advantage of selling your ancillary products and services, through an e-Commerce platform - as opposed to trying to do it all with e-mails...
But that isn't to say that ALSO selling through e-mail is a bad thing. All tools available to you should be used as part of a coherent, comprehensive and well balanced (not overdo-ing it) sales and marketing strategy.
It is for that reason that we have now introduced a very clever little tool that will allow you to insert links to your marketing e-mails, no matter whom you are contacting and when you are sending those e-mails. When these guests click on the links, they get to see specific products and services, tailored to their stay, as if they had just made the reservation on your website.
For more information on our cookie e-mailing tool, Contact Us.